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Powers of Attorney, Guardianships and Wills

Most of us don’t like to think about writing a Will, but you should. If you don’t have a Will it can cause your family and friends extra distress and upset at an already difficult time. Drawing up a Will means you get to decide what happens to your property and possessions.
A Power of Attorney allows you to choose someone you trust to have all the legal authority to act on your behalf if you become unable to do so yourself. Mental and physical incapacity can happen to anyone at any time, but especially as you get older. Our partners, CBC solicitors have extensive experience in this regard. They can advise you on the many benefits of putting a Power of Attorney in place.
When somebody loses the capacity to make decisions and doesn’t have a Power of Attorney in place, an intervention or guardianship order may be needed. We can help and guide you at what can be a difficult time.

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